TEST 4,1
2017 © Stine Gonsholt in collaboration with Cecilia Westerberg
Sound by Banquo aka Solveig Sandnes
2D animation/stereo
6,12 min.
Additional: NIVA 6724 - 2014 Thin layer capping of fjord sediments in Grenland. Chemical and biological monitoring 2009-2013. Based on "BIG FISH EATS LITTLE FISH" by Pieter Bruegel the elder (1556)
Greenlight Art Festival 2017, Herøyahuset and Kunsthall Grenland/Norway
Utilizing references from both reality and the world of art, several time-periods are merged into one, which displays an imbalance between nature and civilization, moving from a utopian to a dystopian landscape.
The film TEST 4,1 is based on the 1557 engraving “Big Fish Eat Little Fish” by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. A large gasping fish and other mutated characters move in a landscape derived from documentation of the Grenland fjords seabed. In some places, the fjords are heavily polluted by industry and shipping traffic. As an experiment, certain areas have been activated with the use of coal to reduce the impact of the pollution. Coal is a material that can both pollute air, purify water and be used as a drawing tool to create art.
TEST 4,1 was made on commission for the Greenlight Art Festival in Grenland in 2017 and was screened at The Minimalen Short Film Festival in Trondheim in 2018, as part of the program for the Nordic film competition.
TEST 4,1 was made on commission for the Greenlight Art Festival in Grenland in 2017 and was screened at The Minimalen Short Film Festival in Trondheim in 2018, as part of the program for the Nordic film competition.

Installation view: Herøyahuset, Porsgrunn/Norway

Installation view: Kunsthall Grenland, Porsgrunn/Norway