GROUND OBSERVATIONS (Bakkeobservasjoner) # 2, 2022
(Bakkeobservasjoner) #1-3
2022 © Stine Gonsholt
Reworked maps, B&W-print, decollage
133 cm x 70 cm
Åse Løvgren and Stine Gonsholt with Skifte.Land
Kunsthuset Kabuso, Øystese (NO)
The exhibition FJORDMELK JORDTÅKE with Skifte. Land, emerges from a series of online and on-site workshops during 2020 and 2021 titled "Entangled Landscapes." and the exhibition HANDS AND FEET IN CODE THROUGH SOIL SOAKED at Spriten kunsthall 2021.In this exhibition the seven participating artists deploy different approaches to our involvements with landscape, revealing layer upon layer of entanglements and interactions across the contours of stone, plants, humans, industry and digital extraction. Participating artist: Neal Cahoon, mirko nikolić, SKIFTE.LAND, Stine Gonsholt and Åse Løvgren.
Supported by Arts Council Norway, Cultural Point North, Visual Artists remuneration Fund, Vestfold and Telemark County and Skien Municipality.
The work is based on observations of catchment areas and the meaning of water for the local society, culture and history, tied to the global landscape. Today this water is monitored by digital measuring stations, which provide data for the weather forecast, power prognoses and the management of water resources in Norway.
The series consists of reworked maps which depict the hydraulic relationships in the landscape around Øystese. These maps give insight into the degree of humidity in the ground and run off from rain and snow melts. The information about water has been removed from the landscape (decollage) and in this way points to the possibility of absence and changes in the landscape.

Installation view, KABUSO (NO): GROUND OBSERVATIONS"(Bakkeobservasjoner), #1-3, (2022

GROUND OBSERVATIONS (Bakkeobservasjoner) # 1 and 3, 2022