2016 © Stine Gonsholt

2D animation/stereo
10 min. loop

From "Here Be Dragons", a duet exhibition with Cecilia Westerberg
Spriten Kunsthall, Skien / Norway
"FULL CIRCLE" viser i tre stadier historien om jordens utvikling. Utgangspunkt for arbeidet er ulike tolkninger, og vitenskapelige teorier som omhandler begynnelsen til organisk liv, evolusjon, undergang og gjenoppstandelse. Sentralt i både vestens og østens filosofiske, mytologiske og religiøse tolkninger, er balansen og konflikten mellom kaos og kosmos(orden) og uordenen som oppstår når orden forstyrres. I animasjonen Full Circle synliggjøres utviklingen gjennom at det som ved første øyekast ser ut som vakre blomster, kontinuerlig danner nye mønstre som vokser og virker på hverandre.
Installation view: Spriten Kunsthall
Background: DAP Gonsholt and Westerberg
’HERE BE DRAGONS is a phrase used as a synonym for the unknown. The sentence was first used in 1510 and refers to uncharted areas on the map where dragons, sea monsters and other creatures were drawn to express fear and dread for unknown danger.
In this context the title of the exhibition at Spriten Kunsthall is intended as a metaphor for the creative process which in the beginning always appears as a new land waiting to be occupied. When investigating a new area you are never sure what the project is hiding. Facts and imagination open new territories.
The exhibition is an exploration of different types of narration, mapping and information systemization. In former times the fear of the unknown was often synonymous with the unexplored. Therefore the imagination could run free. Today, fear is considerable.
What does the unknown look like in pictures. The unknown landscape inside of us as well as the outside. What are the dragons of our times? ​​​​​​​

HERE BE DRAGONS, Spriten kunsthall 2016